Tips on How to Beat Monday Blues + Commenters of the Month Winners

It's the last Monday of the month that means January is about to close. Let me be the first one to greet you a Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's Day. Time is running so fast, I have not yet announced our previous "Commenters of the Month" and we're about to end another one.

Canberra Australia

This morning most of the photos on my IG feeds are about coffee and Monday blues. I was wondering why most of the people I see feel exhausted when a new week has just started. We all wanted a long weekend break, right? But there's a time for everything just like going back to work. Perhaps most of us need more encouragement and inspiration to get started.

For some reasons, I can do a lot of work on Mondays and Fridays. I feel more energetic and ready to face the day. Waking up early to catch the morning breeze, enjoy a freshly brewed coffee and say hello to my loved ones.

Here are some of my Tips to Beat the Monday Blues:

1. Enjoy the weekend.

You will feel more excited on Mondays if you were able to enjoy the weekend. Hangout with friends, visit a family or distant relative. You can also schedule "me time" on Saturday nights so you would not feel so tired on Mondays when it's time to go back to work. That way, you also look forward to the next weekend.

2. Sleep and Wake up Early.

It is self explanatory. If you are sleep deprived for sure you feel tired and moody. Make it a habit to sleep at least eight hours a day. Personally, I love waking up very early when the sun is about to shine, to catch up the cold morning breeze and deep breath with fresh air.

3. Relax

Deep breathing relaxes our muscles and facilitates good circulation. Practice deep breathing exercises while stuck in traffic especially on Monday morning. You can also perform stretching while inside the car. Why not grab a cup of freshly brewed coffee, it is also high in antioxidant.

Woman in Digital Commenters of the Month Giveaway

Commenters of the Month

As promised, here are the names of our Commenters of the Month winners for November and December 2018, I also included January 2019. Take note that I choose winners on three platforms - Facebook Fan Page, blog and Instagram. Thank you to all who keep on supporting Woman in Digital. I am happy to read all your comments and get to know you through this blog interaction. Thank you to all who participated in our recent giveaways. I hope there will be more this year and as we come close to our 10th year anniversary in 2020. Happy New Year, everyone!

Kindly send me a private message with your complete Metro Manila address, contact number and full name for the prizes. I will try to send them by the end of the month.

November 2018 Winners:
1. Aila Garcia
2. Janeth Asma
3. Aljecera Leslie

December 2018 Winners:
1. Russelea Abojon Guirigay
2. Connie Cano de Guzman
3. Jhane Cleofas

January 2019
1. Facebook: Anafe Compoc
2. Blog: Catherine Vinluan
3. IG: zophiecute Arselyn De Duzman-Intoy

Do you have tips to Beat the Monday Blues? Write it on the comment section, I would love to read them. 


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