The Best Life Insurance Product Today

Now more than ever, now is the best time to get yourself and your loved ones an insurance plan with a good health package. This pandemic left us with life lessons and realization. It also showed us that life is really short, we never know when it will be our turn. Today, I would like to share some insights and maybe a few tips on money management.

Why Get a Life Insurance? 

Why do you need life insurance with a health package? No one wants to get sick or hurt, but it happens. Sometimes it happens when we least expect it. Even healthy people get sick. We don’t know for sure when we’ll be needing life insurance, so why not plan early.

Life insurance has many purposes. One, it serves as an umbrella for unexpected storms of life such as death. Your life insurance works as income protection in case the breadwinner was taken out of the picture, you and your family can continue the lifestyle you live with. Another use of life insurance is health protection. Yes, there’s a life insurance that comes with health and wellness benefits so you can stay healthy and fit. Sun Fit and Well is a traditional plan that offers life insurance coverage up to age 100. It provides critical illness benefits from 114 critical illnesses.

This product has a savings component too, meaning you will get rewarded as you continue to pay up to the policy anniversary. You also earn dividends.

Here’s a summary of all the benefits you can get from Sun Fit and Well Advantage. The premiums differ from every person, according to his/her age.

Marjorie Uy Financial Advisor
Marjorie Uy, licensed Financial Advisor

If you’re interested and would like to know more about Sun Life products, you can email Marjorie Uy, Financial Advisor at


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